
  • cpf capital, investment staking, staking raising funds, how to stake funds


Staking is common in the crypto world, but applies to the fiat money as well. In fact many online banks offer it. In essence, it means allowing the institution holding your money to use it for punctual and risk-less operations in order to share the profit with you. You lock a specific amount of funds which are not used in your account and lock it for a determined amount of time for a pre-determined level of the profits.

  • Risk-free
    CPF Capital does not take risks in this investment tool, this is the reason why we also do not offer high levels of interests. The idea being to not let idle funds which can help generate some extra gains for both CPF Capital and out clients.
  • Short-term
    You can choose between 3 timeframes during which the money will be staked for. It starts at 1 month, and up to a year.


To stake some funds, you will need an active CPF Capital investment account, go to your Dashboard and select the Staking option in the user menu.

  • Durations: 1 to 12 months
  • Interests: 0.50% to 8.50%